Because we are all unique

A confidential space where you are heard
The world is prone to throwing difficult & sometimes emotionally distressing challenges at us, & when this happens, Counselling & Psychotherapy can help you work through life's obstacles. Counselling isn't an advisory service; it's a safe & confidential space to explore & make sense of your thoughts, feelings & behaviours to facilitate the desired changes you want to make. Helping you to embrace your uniqueness & find your true potential.
Our mental health is as equally important as our physical wellbeing. You might think of Counselling as an activity that sits alongside your gym membership that supports your physical health – Counselling provides a regular, safe space for a mental health workout, helping you to focus on improving & strengthening your mental wellbeing. Thanks to celebrity & social media campaigns aimed at reducing mental health shame & stigma, more people are now talking openly about it & are seeking Counselling for many reasons. This can range from a mental health crisis to wanting to talk through concerns with someone who will listen & help them feel understood. Nevertheless, I've chosen to base my practice at a discreet location inside a fashion warehouse to respect your privacy.
It can often be much easier to speak to a Counsellor than to friends or family, particularly surrounding shame, guilt, relationships or simply admitting to having a problem you are struggling with. The confidential nature of the relationship, bound by ethics, encourages you to explore such issues safely. A Counsellor has no agenda other than to help you find relief from what's preventing you from living the life you want. Be that because of anxiety, depression, childhood trauma, stress, addiction, relationships, bereavement & much, much more...
Counselling is often described as a journey. We can liken it to driving a car where I, your counsellor, buckle up & sit right beside you as you journey toward self-discovery, growth & healing – we are in it together. You decide the destination & I provide route options & often shine the headlights on potentially significant objects & obstacles on the road. Typically, the journey begins slowly & vision is a little foggy as you learn to trust the process & become more comfortable with sharing your thoughts, emotions & past difficult life events with me.
At times the road may become rugged, dark & daunting – I will be with you to help explore & navigate the terrain. Routes may return to powerful memories that have been closed off as they are too painful to explore alone. Doing so safely together can provide insights that reduce their power, freeing you from their hold & enabling you to journey forward with your life.
There is often laughter too, & a great sense of achievement as you discover hidden strengths, resilience & take control of aspects of your life that previously felt overwhelming. Counselling ends when either we reach your destination or when you feel equipped with the tools to navigate the rest of the journey alone. So if you feel ready to begin the journey & engage in the process fully, the answer is YES; Counselling is right for you.
As you might see, it's really important that you choose a qualified Counsellor you feel you want to include on your journey & share your burden with. To help make your choice, I've included a little bit about me, my background & how I work, which I encourage you to read.
(Don't forget to scroll down to see where we will be working together)
Counselling Rooms in Hackney Wick, just a 3-minute walk from the nearest station
(Hackney Central & online available too)

Pictures of my new practice coming soon
Depression, Anxiety, Addiction Low Self-Esteem, Bereavement, Grief, Domestic Violence, Domestic Abuse, Work-related Stress Relationships, Divorce, Separation, Panic attacks, Trauma, PTSD, Shame Guilt, mental health issues, Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Counselor, Counselling